Problem with app sending a text command

It just means "End Of Data"

Try this:


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Now my Issue is resolved . so lets move to a new question . In my app image of blocks i have created a lots of identical buttons as you saw previously , can i make them generic with any component?
provided these buttons have only few different tasks as you can see above in my image.

I would start with procedures:
(You have lots of common code.)

could you show how to make any two these buttons generic take an example of Button12 and Button13 above there. :point_up_2: in my image?

The buttons concerned are the ones arranged in a circle in your GUI image?

I suggest you first Change the Button Names to match the Value shown on the Button. We can then go generic for all of them (because your code shows that with each tap, the other buttons are changed).

So make that change (A change of name in the Designer automatically updates in the Blocks, so not much work needed).

Upload you Project .aia file, via Projects/Export selected project (.aia) to my computer, to your Forum Topic and I will add an Any Component Procedure to show you how it's done.

Do you want me to change names of Buttons in GUI or I need to change names in Block view. I assumed you want me to change names in GUI I.e,. Designer view so I am going to change it there in GUI/ designer view.

That's right Younus.

machine1_IMP_3_EXP.aia (1.2 MB)
Here is project .aia file please see it . I have changed the Button names as per shown on Buttons icons, but is used the name as B_value because the app inventor tool does not accept only numbers as Names.
Secondly show me how to add a help page or a help screen to my app.

Please raise a separate Forum Topic for separate subjects Younus.

I'm going to take a look at it now.

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Hi again Younus

Try the attached
machine1_IMP_3_UPDATE.aia (1.2 MB)

ok thankyou

Thank you Sir


We might direct someone to an extension solution if (a) AppInventor does not meet requirements or (b) a complex requirement is made much easier with an extension.

I have already provided Younus with a BT Classic solution that fits his exact requirements with no extension required, so your blatant advertisement for a paid extension is misleading in that other Users my assume that the solution was found using the extension.

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Ooo, I'm so sorry @ChrisWard, I would not do it again:sweat_smile: :pray:


MIT have asked that you refrain from advertising extensions of which you are not the author. If you persist you will receive an official warning.

With respect to Bluetooth, App Inventor has built-in Bluetooth capabilities. MIT also maintain a superb BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) extension which is free.

Okay, I'm Sorry. @ChrisWard, Thank you for the info

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