I tried to duplicate the no-texting while driving tutorial. It seems that the "texting1.message received" interrupt does not work. Like I said, I totally duplicated the simple tutorial and loaded it in my phone using the AI emulator and Q code. When I sent my cell a text, it did not respond like the tutoring said it should. I noticed that the tutorial did not set the "receive enable" property to 2 as I think it should have but I guess the tutorial worked anyway.
Google changed the terms of use of how sms works on Android over a year ago. It means parts of the No Texting While Driving tutorial are no longer correct
What changed with respect to Texting now works is described here> Texting
These changes to the way thingss work means that developeers have to make adjustments to the No Texting While Driving tutorial. To get the tutorial to work almost properly, compile the app using Companion 2.60u to expose and use the SendMessageDirect block. Use the SendMessageDirect instead of the SendMessage block. You should test this on a device with the apk. Also be aware, comments with respect to GoogleVoice may no longer apply either.
You need to set ReceivingEnabled to 2 or 3. Be careful with 3 (see the notes in the Texting documentation).
I have companion 2.60 rather than 2.60u. Is this OK?
I gather from what you say I should compile to an apk and load the program into the cell and not use the emulator. Is this correct?
No. You need 2.60u Get 2.60u by Help>Companion information , use the SendMessageDirect Block that will now appear in your pallet . To get the app to run, the apk; load it to your device and test. I don't think you can run the example with an emulator.
I assume i should enter "receivingEnabled to 2" when the screen initializes, yes?
I will get 2.60u.
TheSendMessageDirect is already available.
Is there a way I can put my code(blocks) on this replay?
I am making progress in that the app works now it seems.
My code is as follows...
When Screen1.Initialize
set Texting1.ReceivingEnabled to 2
When Texting1.MessageReceived
setTexting1.PhoneNumber to getnumber
set Texting1.Message to "I am Busy"
call Texting1.SendMessageDirect
I assume I need the line "set Texting1.ReceivingEnabled to 2 in the screen1.initialize, yes?
I tested it using the AI Companion link and it seemed to work "too well" it seems.
I used Google Voice on my computer to send a test text to my phone,
then the phone replied back to Google voice as it should.
However, I have Google Voice set to relay texts to my cell so I got into a feedback loop.
I think I need to either not let Voiced forward texts, or have my app look at the number where the text cam from and if it was from Voice, do not send it.
Anyway, things are looking good.
Thanks you very much. I would have never solved this problem without your help.