Problem of receiving bytes with Bluetooth

very strange

The blocks are the same as I showed? And it would be useful to add what you sent and what you received. e.g. sent: m|0, received: xyz.

Is your serial monitor set to a good bit rate?

The blocks are the same and the bitrate is 38400
sending m 1 results in : ode
sending m 3 results in :

sending m 5 results in: e
However when choosing the manual mode the coordinates are being sent but it is weird it works fine for a little bit then starts bugging out updating randomly.

Ok.This should work.

void loop() {
  if(SerialBT.available() > 0) {  
    String bt_tag = SerialBT.readStringUntil('|');  
    bt_data = SerialBT.readStringUntil('|').toInt();
    if(bt_tag == "m") {
      mode = bt_data;
      Serial.println("mode" + String(bt_data));
    } else if(bt_tag == "x" || bt_tag == "y") {
      if(mode == 5) {
        if(bt_tag == "x") {
          xAxis = bt_data;
        } else if(bt_tag =="y") {
          yAxis = bt_data;
        Serial.print("Coordinates: ");

Thank you very much for your time and help. Can you tell me what was the problem with the first code you sent because i tried to fix it and couldnt?

Problem with controlling the number of bytes received. Here I added two byte delimiters and you can better control the receiving of data. You can add an unlimited number of tags here and send the given tag|data| in the system

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