Player - Device Audio, Loop - Play Streaming

Then try to access the radio operator in my app by entering the network address in the Textbox.

Well, I've generated an APK since companion is faulty with extension 1.1 and I still can't stop playing the audio stream.

OK Anke, thanks for the proposition but I really need to make my app working. You should share your code to help me. Knowing that your app is working will not help me.

Do you succed to play and stop this audio stream with your application and Joe's extension ? :

That's what you should check...

The stop works for me.
Tested on Android 14.

Yes, and with my app as well (and also in idle mode).

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Ok thank you very much. I now have to investigate my own code...

OK, I've found the problem : In my application there is 3 screens. To listen the audio streams, I switch to another screen. On the player screen, there is a button "OK" and when we press this button, the screen is closed. If we don't press the "Stop" button when we comes back to the main screen, the audio stream is still playing but when we return to the player screen, pressing "Stop" button has no effect. I think I should switch to the main stream without closing the player screen... Perhaps you have a solution to Stop the player that was started on a closed screen ?

If the screens are switched correctly, there shouldn't be any problems. We need to know all relevant blocks on all screens. So post these and the aia.

The screen are not switched but closed... The problem is here. After I will solve this problem, I would like any help for a solution to record what is listen.

Well, I will update my code in order to switch to another screen instead of closing it. For now I have another problem : I made my own vertical slider with Canvas to change the volume from 0 to 100%. I've tried to use the SetVolume block to set the volume according to my slider but id did not work. I didn't find how to set the volume with this extension : from 0 to 10, 0 to 1, 0 to 100...? can someone help me ?

Thanks Timai2, but my slider is already done with the same technique. Now I really need to know the scale for setting the audio volume.

Values should be between 0.0 and 1.0.

I'm thinking of making it accept between 0 and 100 to make it easier, I'll check that tonight.

Easy enough divide or multiply by 100, depending on the direction you are going.

If canvas slider is returning values 0 -100, then divide by 100 to apply to the extension's volume setting, to get 0 - 1.

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Thank you very much ! You should update the description :

What is the volume level at start before it is set by the user ? 100 % ?

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  • It is 0.5

I have updated the volume information:

Perfect ! Many thanks for that. ChatGPT suggested me to use another extension but I noticed a huge delay before audio stream begin to play and changing button state can't be done instantaneously. Then I found your extension which is my favorite. So many thanks for this work. I wish you more notoriety.

Do you know a way to record the stream that the player is playing in a file that can be open for replay ?

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Which extension?
(regarding "huge delay")

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Thanks a lot David.
I've been thinking about a couple of features, including recording the stream, but I don't know when that will be ready or if I like the way it records audio.

  • There is one in App Inventor components that records audio, I haven't tried any others yet.