Hi, I have a question, why is the volume managed with decimal numbers and not with values from 1 to 100 like the inventor app player?
I would like to use your extension in my project, but as it is a project already created with the default player I wouldn't want to have any problems. Can the volume be managed with values with two decimal places? (example from 0.00 mute to 1.00 max volume) If I wanted to set a volume of 4%, can I pass the parameter 0.04 to the player?
Using decimal numbers from 0.00 to 1.00 to set the volume offers greater precision, flexibility, and normalization compared to integer values from 1 to 100.
Yes, if you want to use values from 0 to 100, you just have to divide the whole number by 100.
Update , v1.1.1.
Feb 26, 2025.
There is now an option to get the duration and 3 more options for the URL of a streaming mp3.
Thank you for the extension update! It has been really helpful for me.
Thanks a lot otniel
Hi... do these new blocks you added also work for streaming a radio that broadcasts on the web? to get artist name and song title?
If it's a live stream you won't get that data, but if it's an audio file on the web, you will get the data.
ah ok.. thanks for the reply anyway I renew my compliments for what you do.. all the extensions you create are very useful
Thanks so much Daniel
Hello Joe, after using it to play an MP3 song from the server, it takes a bit longer to load and seems to freeze for a moment
I think the delay is due to the authentication implementation I made for URLs
Hi Joe,
thanks for your awesome extension!
At the moment I want to implement a timeview-slider for local played song, that also has the ability to skip to a specific time in the song by drag & dropping the slider. Basically the normal function of these music-player sliders...
Unfortunately I am struggeling how I can use the wavey slider component to do this.
Is there a very basic example how to implement the wavey-slider to look and work like this?
Thank you very much.
Best regards
Thank you very much Hans
Yes, I'm going to make an example and as soon as I finish it I'll share it with you.
Best regards.
Here is the example...
PlayerAndWavySlider.aia (961.4 KB)
I hadn't realized that when calling the GetAllMusic
function while in companion I get an error and can't get the music.
But when installing the apk everything is solved.
I will make an update to solve that.
We already had a discussion about continue playing while forwarding/rewinding:
I had seen the discussion and found it interesting.
I think I could implement that in the player, I'll check it out right now.
That's exactly what I was looking for.
Now that I see the code, I realize what I configured wrong... Thanks a lot!
Thank you very much for the ultra fast reply and your help!
Update v1.1.2 Mar 08, 2025.