Place build-in barcode scanning window in portion of screen

Build-in barcode scanner window always occupy full screen.Can I restrict it in upper half screen?

I want to make a app using barcode scanner. But I want the scanning window only occupy upper half screen. Then the scanned results storing in lower portion of screen. Please give me help to do that. Thanks.

You can always use this extension

Thanks Boban! Your extension is just the solution I want.

Hi Boban, I made an apps using your extension. But below message prompt out when I start the apps.
Runtime Error
Failed resolution of :Lcom/google/zxing/BarcodeFormat;

Please help me to solve it. Thanks!

If you are using version 2.2 then you have to drag in the built in BarcodeScanner component


Dear Bohan,
The problem is solved. Thank you for your help!

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