Place a label or textbox on image

Ok, I will give this a go. Thank you :slight_smile:

Built: February 19 2024 Version: nb196
Use Companion: Use Companion: 2.70 or 2.70u

Seems that was forgotten or I do not discover how?!

Thank you. Dan.

I don't remember why, but they stopped working on this feature.

What a shame, it's a priceless facility to be able to put what you want and where you want...

Screens and Arrangements can have image backgrounds, so you can place buttons, text boxes etc on them.

Yep, thank you @ChrisWard for your time. I'll know already, with this I fight when I want to approach a design as a "static" layout. But it is a nightmare combined with infinite headaches, because AI2, as it informs me now, on a ChromeBox-like machine, is made for "smart phones" like platforms. I want 4K @ 27". :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

As I already specified on another thread, seems that I'm doomed, to want things that nobody wanted before... So... I must test, test, and test again. The collective experience seems to be small or even doesn't exist.

@TIMAI2 came with what can be a good idea, a dynamically generated layout... but... My conclusions I'll develop on another thread.

Thank you all for your ideas, anytime there is more than welcome.

You might like to try a text-based language like Spider Basic: