It is not too difficult. I have my hands full on something else at the moment, but will look at adding a file picker method to the upload demo.
I have prepared a demo app, based upon the previous one, that includes a file picker. This has been tested with companion on my Genymotion Emulator, using Android 9 and 10 - it works fine on both android versions.
Let me know how you get on with it.
Gratitudes: to @Taifun for the File Extension and @Juan_Antonio for the Base64 Extension, without whom, and their good work, none of this would be possible
AIA File
UAFTGD_FilePicker.aia (103.5 KB)
(you will need to add the url to your google apps script)
Thank you so much I will test it
that helped me sOOoooooOOoooo much
Yap sure Special thanks to [Taifun] for making plenty of awesome extensions which I use most of them actually.
thanks to [Juan] he made great extension for base64
and super thanks for you because you solved the most hard weird problem [ file uploading ] ever
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