Paragraph Display

Hello There!
I need help displaying a paragraph but as we know that the App Inventor provided label cannot do this, it just keeps running out of the screen. Is there any method using which I can display a paragraph properly without using HTML? Please help.

Can you please show me you're properties of label and is width fill parent?

You can type \n when you want a line break

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Set the label to HTMLFormat then use <p> for a new paragraph, or <br> for new line.
You can also use other tags for bold, color italics etc...



Can you say mw clearly what is running out of screen?

The text of the label is running out of the screen.

@Mayank_Kumar take this example:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius sed dolor id scelerisque. Praesent placerat urna sem, et rhoncus enim vestibulum ultrices.

Ut vel enim eget ipsum ultrices porta sit amet nec mi. Pellentesque blandit ante et sem luctus lobortis. Donec convallis faucibus laoreet. Aenean ullamcorper vehicula dolor, sit amet tempor ante sollicitudin at. Curabitur nec mauris facilisis, laoreet quam eget, molestie nulla. Aenean convallis auctor erat, ut rutrum felis dapibus id.

Nulla dictum, urna eu tempus hendrerit, massa ex porta quam, at faucibus risus magna et ligula. Praesent quam augue, tristique vel ex eu, volutpat ullamcorper nisi. Ut accumsan erat sit amet faucibus mollis. Sed tincidunt dictum iaculis. Proin tempus diam vel tellus ullamcorper, vitae laoreet sapien tristique. Nunc fringilla aliquam mauris quis sagittis. Pellentesque convallis ligula quis est tincidunt, pharetra feugiat enim posuere. Etiam nisl urna, tempus id risus ut, tempor viverra lectus.

This is how you will type it in the label

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius sed dolor id scelerisque. Praesent placerat urna sem, et rhoncus enim vestibulum ultrices.\nUt vel enim eget ipsum ultrices porta sit amet nec mi. Pellentesque blandit ante et sem luctus lobortis. Donec convallis faucibus laoreet. Aenean ullamcorper vehicula dolor, sit amet tempor ante sollicitudin at. Curabitur nec mauris facilisis, laoreet quam eget, molestie nulla. Aenean convallis auctor erat, ut rutrum felis dapibus id.\nNulla dictum, urna eu tempus hendrerit, massa ex porta quam, at faucibus risus magna et ligula. Praesent quam augue, tristique vel ex eu, volutpat ullamcorper nisi. Ut accumsan erat sit amet faucibus mollis. Sed tincidunt dictum iaculis. Proin tempus diam vel tellus ullamcorper, vitae laoreet sapien tristique. Nunc fringilla aliquam mauris quis sagittis. Pellentesque convallis ligula quis est tincidunt, pharetra feugiat enim posuere. Etiam nisl urna, tempus id risus ut, tempor viverra lectus.

Well, thank it works.

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Word press, why not provide direct link?

I know how to use HTML and I have already tried that doesn't work.

It works fine if you set the label to HTMLFormat


I did that before trying to write the html content.

Did it work?

Not all tags, only the "br" tag

other tags like paragraph and heading didn't work.

That's strange, color, italics P , br all work fine for me.
Anyway glad you got it working.

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