[PAID] MlTBRek: Offline Text and Barcode recognition using ML Kit [$8 or 551]

Oh it's ok,

any new version update send me after released

ChangeLog Version 2 :warning:

  • Rename extension to MlTBRek from SimpleRecognition

  • Some new blocks added and few blocks removed

  • Upgrade to ML Kit
    Brings dynamic deps management and thus effectively reducing aix size to just 1.1mb

  • Major internal changes wherever there was room for improvement
    Like support for Hindi and other Devanagari Script langs

  • Recognise blocks can accept Image component, File Path or Content Uri

  • Completely offline purchase verification

where can i download or purchase

After sending 8$ to below link

DM @vknow360 to get the extension


Hi, can you send me Demo APK.

Demo Video:

ChangeLog Version 3

  • Aix size reduced to 1.1 mb
  • Extension won't crash Companion now
    Though none of its blocks will work.
  • No-conflict version to resolve deps conflict with my other ML Kit extensions like ImageLabelling and ScanKit

hi @vknow360 Can you also add the languages: Korean, Chinese, and Japanese?

Yes, definitely.

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I am eagerly awaiting your next update and am ready to purchase this extension. Please keep up the good work. You are the most dedicated and skilled extension developer I know

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Hopefully, I'll be able to update extension tomorrow .

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ChangeLog Version 4 :warning: :warning:

  • Extension has been completely re-written so create a backup of imp projects before importing new version

  • Added Chinese, Japanese and Korean language script supported to extension

  • Updated Text Recognition (19.0.1) and Bar Recognition (18.3.1) SDKs

  • Added license key property so no need to upload license to assets now

Hi Sunny,
when I pass the file from ASD (e.g. /storage/emulated/0/android/data/appinventor.username.appname/files/file.jpg) to the RecognitionText method, the TextRecognized event never fires and the app waits. Could you please check this?

It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

To get an image of your blocks, right click in the Blocks Editor and select "Download Blocks as Image". You might want to use an image editor to crop etc. if required. Then post it here in the community.


Hi Taifun, this is the block that does NOT work ONLY with files directly from ASD (e.g. /storage/emulated/0/android/data/appinventor.username.appname/files/file.jpg)

Your answer leaves me confused
Are you using additionally my pdf extension?
Please elaborate


I knew you would mention this particular directory name :-). But in reality, it doesn't matter.
P.S. Yes, I'm using your PDF extensions, and it works perfectly

Pm me the apk link.

Sunny, I sent you the demo aia with a problem