1. Introduction
Description: Extension to work with Audio and Video files and manipulate them like extracting audio or video from a video, trimming a video or merging an audio and video file.
Latest Version: 2
Released: 2022-04-17T18:30:00Z
Last Updated: 2023-04-03T18:30:00Z
Min Api: 19
Permission(s): android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
2. Blocks
3. Docs
AfterAudioExtracted | Event invoked after getting result of 'ExtractAudio' functionsuccessful | boolean response | text |
AfterMergeMedia | Event invoked after getting result of 'MergeMedia' functionsuccessful | boolean response | text |
AfterVideoExtracted | Event invoked after getting result of 'ExtractVideo' functionsuccessful | boolean response | text |
AfterVideoTrimmed | Event invoked after getting result of 'TrimVideo' functionsuccessful | boolean response | text |
ExtractAudio | Tries to extract audio from given video filevideoPath | text audioOutputPath | text startMs | number endMs | number |
ExtractVideo | Tries to extract video from given video file (and removes audio)videoPath | text videoOutputPath | text startMs | number endMs | number |
MergeMedia | Tries to merge/mux audio and video file and saves to output fileaudioPath | text videoPath | text outputPath | text |
TrimVideo | Tries to trim video with given parametersvideoPath | text videoOutputPath | text keepAudio | boolean startMs | number endMs | number |
4. Usages
Extract Audio
means default settings i.e. no change in time duration
Extract Video
Trim Video
You can share this video to WhatsApp as Status
Merge Audio and Video file
Video duration will be equal to Audio duration and existing audio in video will be removed
5. Want to Buy or Donate
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6. ChangeLog
ChangeLog Version 2
- Extension no longer uses external lib
Hope it helps!