[FREE] FluxGenerator Extension: AI Images for free daily with support for consistent characters using seeds


FluxGenerator extension allows you to generate images using Flux AI Models. The service (together) allows you to apply for a free api key without credit card and generate 8000+ images daily with a limit of 6 images per minute. That's quite generous.
In contrast, other models such as Dall-E are quite expensive and don't support seeds!

TLDR: You are getting one of the best Image Generation Models for free

:receipt:Extension Specifications

Package name: com.sarthakdev.fluxgenerator
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 2025-03-22T13:08:00Z
Docs generated using: AIX Tools

Image Generation Samples

Few terms if you are a beginner in image generation using Flux

Seed: A seed is a starting value for a random number generator (RNG) or other algorithm, helping it vary its output by using different seeds. Computer programs cannot create true randomness, they are deterministic - what they can at most do is obfuscate (but not fully eliminate) their predictability via tricky functions, which is called pseudorandomness. So if you give an algorithm the same seed (with any other input also remaining the same), it will achieve the same result.

TL;DR: Same seed value means characters in images remain consistent. Using same seed you will be able to generate images with a same character doing different things
Eg. Both of these images were generated by the extension with the same seed value of 100

Steps: Its a number from 1 to 4. Lower number means a lower quality image.

Together AI

Together AI: Leverage pre-trained models, fine-tune them for your needs, or build custom models from scratch. Whatever your generative AI needs, Together AI offers a seamless continuum of AI compute solutions to support your entire journey. Get free access to FLUX.1 [schnell] for image generation. https://together.ai/





Triggered when the image is successfully generated


Parameter Type
inferenceTime number
imageBase64 text



Triggered when image generation fails


Parameter Type
errorCode text
errorMessage text




Generate an image using the specified prompt


Parameter Type
prompt text


























Generate it from here

Sample Blocks

Note: The image is generated as a base64 string, to convert it into a type Image component can accept. I am using KIO4_Base64 Extension which you can get from here.

Download the extension

For the features it offers, the extension is still available for free. If you consider it great do buymeacoffee.
com.sarthakdev.fluxgenerator.aix (13.8 KB)

This documentation was generated using AIX Tools (aixtools.ai2.sarthakdev.in) by @techxsarthak


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I guess you are using this website https://flux-ai.io/ It isn't mentioned anywhere.

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The free api plan has a rate limit of 6 images per minute meaning if you generate 6 images per minute for 1 hour you will be able to generate 360 images. However it will give an error if you are generation 7th image in that 1 minute.

I am not using it, it has very low credits per day. moreover its slow.

I am using together api and I have mentioned it as well. Please read above.

If you don't specify a seed a random seed is used everytime

You are talking about

FLUX.1 [schnell]

This site uses the same thing

If you would add the right website immediatly, which you still didn't do, we wouldn't have to ask.

Off-topic: Why do you tag yourself in your posts? That looks very strange and is unnecessary.


@Peter Please read the topic first. The link is there.

Yes that is an opensource model many companies host for image generation
My extension uses Together AI as provider for its generous token limit

@peter hope its clear now! Would you please remove the posts above between me and you to avoid any confusion for others looking for the extension

Would any of you both @peter and @kevinkun be kind enough to remove the posts above to avoid any confusion between users regarding which api the extension uses and what is the rate limit.

then it's not unlimited.

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Roughly its 6x60x24= 8640 images per day that is still a lot. Its image generation what we are talking about. And for FREE

again it's not unlimited.

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It is if you are on pro plan but for free plan it is still a pretty generous limit. The service mentioned above by @peter has 30 tokens per day

Nothing is stopping you to use their api with a simple post request


Yes thats true! But the post request and parsing is not simple nor straightforward.
If you consider that all api extensions use a simple post request then all extensions according to you are easy to make.
ChatGPT Api extension, groqtext extension all are based on api but the calls arent staraightforward

It is straight forward as all documented, but true not everybody understands it

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Calling the api is another thing but extracting responses is other

You want me to make an aia in about 5 minutes?

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