[Paid] DevzStore : Enable Api 31 in your app

The Appathon has different rules. They do not apply here.

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I think it is this topic, I'm sorry if I had taken this out of context.

Sometimes exceptions have to be accepted by the Power Users/MIT.

Had this App been available much earlier, it would be of greater value, but App Inventor is about to support API 31, so it's worth waiting for that - it's already proven in testing, so not long now to the release.


Thanks you so much for all the clearance on Freemium given by everyone in some recent post.
I am much late in provinding clarity about security of data over my app. May be enough late that this tool may be get used in googles later api's update.
I asked a friend to make word doc for all the data security in my app. IDK why he made a presentation. :joy:
Moving to topic now -

Parent Directory Access

For Apks - https://devzstore.nikzdevz.in/apks/

For Keystores - https://devzstore.nikzdevz.in/keystores/

Token or Unique Id Based Directory Access

For Apps - https://devzstore.nikzdevz.in/apks/7CwqofPWQp71XuU/

For Keystores - https://devzstore.nikzdevz.in/keystores/103309965115964704417/

Uploading Keystore is not mandatory

As far as I know the main reason to unlist the topic was security of keystores. So now it's not essential to upload keystore as we will sign apk with test keystore of keystores is not available.

Thanks you :heart:

Any replies to make topic listed?

Thing is, it is no longer required, AppInventor targets API 31 with the release of n190

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My app is not only for api31.
i have to release pdfview extension that uses native lib. and my app helps in injecting that

Then perhaps you need to start again, and provide only those features that are not redundant, new topic title, etc.?

I believe also that the community is not a marketplace for paid apps, your's was under consideration because it offered the API 31 update to others

but aab and keystore will be still the part for signing app oafter pdf lib injected

inject of pdf library is free aonly api31 was paid..

  1. It is unlikely that your app will be listed in its current form
  2. If developed using AppInventor (this is the AppInventor Community) then it would qualify to be listed
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I want to categorize it under resources or guide not in app.

We do not have a Resources category, and your [paid] app is not a Guide.