[PAID] Admob Ads Extension : Integrate Latest SDK - 24.0.0 πŸ”₯

Brother, someone has already given your extension to me by taking money but not working, asking to register and contact you po please help me ,

of course you should have bought from the developer not from someone now you cant do anything


But is there any way to register

@JEWEL is the author of this extension. Is the 'someone' authorized by @JEWEL to sell the extension?

To buy an extension, only purchase from its owner. For example, this is an excerpt from Taifun's paid Alarm extension's Terms and Conditions.

This is a single user license for you as App Inventor developer, which means, the extension (aix file) is only for you to use. You are not allowed to pass the extension (aix file) to someone else. In case you are interested in a multiple user license, please contact me by email.

You can also see this in his/her website:

This is is the only authorized place to download this extension. It is not allowed to host this extension somewhere else and offer it for others to download , be it on another website or market place or similar.


SDK is updated to latest 21.0.0 and now it's more easy to use.
(Knock me everyone who need the update, thanks)


Haha :smiley:


Thank you, he has the right to strive and sell what takes his time, but after taking the money, he has to give the buyer the right,, I bought extension ads from him and then were rejected by Google Pla policy and when i ask him to update the extension he don't answer me

I am curious. Can i get to know the rejection message? If possible, a screenshot!?

can someone please explain the difference between this paid extension and this free extension offered here below ?

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I don't understand sorry screenshot for what exactly ?

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Rejection message from Google Play Store ??

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i want to buy it but how

I've sent you pm, please reply

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Hi, could someone post a procedure for the automatic loading of banners? Without text areas to click on?

Thank you!

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Added consent form for EU users

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SDK updated to 21.2.0, I've already sent the latest extension to my paid users. Knock me if I forgot you!

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Not yet released by admob and your extension uses sdk 21.2.0 ?

PS: Just found new releases on maven take a bit of time to get indexed

Recently Admob update their SDK


good extension, I bought it and it works well, thanks

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:loudspeaker: SDK version is updated to 21.3.0

  • Added SDK support for requesting and showing ads requested through Ad Inspector UI.

Please knock me to get the latest version.