[PAID] Admob Ads Extension : Integrate Latest SDK - 24.0.0 πŸ”₯


@Jewel has indicated that the extension will be sent, in the morning (IST ?). Please wait until this transaction has been resolved before posting on this matter again.


Extension is delivered, but I don't know why he is telling lie here. He giving me threat that, he and his some friends will be comment on community about me.

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Ooops i'm so sorry @JEWEL I don't understand why the world so weird


We see this message when users run ad components on Kodular or possibly other AI2 variants that have their own ad components.

Are you testing on App Inventor AI2?

Please show blocks / project screenshots.

@JEWEL has shown me the extension running/working as a compiled AppInventor app.


this is the App Inventor community...
Ads extension will be identified in Kodular as "Malicious extension", because Kodular offers its own ads components, which need to be used there...
I will remove your 2 posts, because these are not relvant here in the App Inventor community

EDIT1: @JEWEL might want to add some notes in the first post of this thread and explain, in which App Inventor distributions except of MIT App Inventor itself the extension can be used to avoid misunderstandings...

EDIT2: @JEWEL I have seen, you excluded Kodular now... can you confirm, that the extension is working in Niotron?



Hi @Perfectly_thought, it looks like there is something to discuss between you and @JEWEL... please do this in a PM... we are not interested in this discussion here in the community... thank you...



Sir, I don't know about whether this ad extension works in Niotron or not but 'Every external ad extension needs an Niotron Ads subscription even after buying this(extension)'

@Perfectly_thought you were asked to discuss this outside this topic with @JEWEL. Don't use this topic for that as @Taifun asked.


Hey guys.

I bought this extension.
And the followings are the result my testing
Almost works fine.

1: Banner Ad > Good
2: Interstitial Ad > Good
3: Rewarded Ad > Good
4: Native Ad > Under testing
5: compatible:kodular

If you are thinking about buying this extension,
please refer to the above.

Thank you.


What ! In kodular AFAIK you can't use ads extension

@JEWEL I want to know how you have created admob ad extension this need aar library which is not supported in appinventoe

why don't you discuss this on pm ?

App Inventor support jar library, use jar instead of aar


Yeah, completely correct...

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Afaik jars can't fulfil XML resources, seems like jewel uses some logic/trick


i want to buy it

If you want to buy then dm to @JEWEL

@wormboy already bought it

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Sdk updated and price decreased.
Please knock me to get updated aix.

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Sorry, the above mentioned was my mistake.
Kodular prohibited this extension.