Well at least I get an error message now
as far as I know, there is no intent for PICK_IMAGES only PICK...
Well at least I get an error message now
as far as I know, there is no intent for PICK_IMAGES only PICK...
oops! that's why I need some sleep. fixing...
[UltimateGsheetExtension (1).aia|attachment]
Please check...
Half worked on real device, offered me only Drive or Whatsapp as locations to pick files from, when I picked a file the app crashed and closed. Generated the same error when testing on emulator.
Thanks for your help. Now I will need some time to fix it, purchase link is removed temporarily until it's get fixed. I first test my self, for that I need to use my another machine, I'm just coming...
UltimateGsheetExtension (1).aia (57.0 KB)
@TIMAI2 Now I have personally tested this, please do check.
Well done, works OK on real device and emulator, using companion.
Yup, WHY NOT it took hours! but A BIG Thanks to you for indicating this issue, else it will be there and someone else will have to face the problem. Today I learnt a big lesson, NEVER EVER ENGAGE OTHERS FOR THOROUGH TESTING, I engaged someone else to test the extension and he missed to test in 13+ that's why I learnt this lesson. Now everything seems fine but in future I will take care of it personally.
Happy to have been of help.
Good news for all, we have changed the pricing to lowest, $5 so that everyone can get benefit of this extension.
With Bharat Technologies.