[OUTDATED][Free] Admob Extension - Add different types of AdMob ads in your application

Can you show the report here ?

Also, you can send me an aia to the message. I'll check if the AdMob is integrated properly or not.

For those who has problem with niotron ide (compile extension button does not work)
The network I used has limits because it is university's network. I tried too many time to compile but it did not. Found out when I change my network connection it compiled. Try to use unlimited internet connection if you got this error.


Good afternoon, I have this error, I've searched the entire forum but I didn't find the solution!

The extension will not work on the companion app.

try to use apk not AI2 Companion. If you want to test/develop your app via companion, disable ad initilation blocks.

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no impressions


Tengo una duda, es necesario cambiar el nombre del paquete (package name) appinventor.ai_ por com.?? O se puede añadir la publicidad igual sin que de problemas? Gracias

Well package names of added app must be same as one entered in dashboard, otherwise, ads won't show

The admob sdk isn’t initializing correctly and I can’t figure out what the issue is.

Ignore the code monstrosity to the right, it doesn’t relate to the ads

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You should use LoadAd method which will load the rewarded ad first.

If ad is successfully loaded then AdLoaded event will be invoked. Where you can use ShowAd block.

The problem is you haven't called LoadAd method/block anywhere. So without ad loaded, you can't show it.

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I am calling LoadAd on the right but that isn’t the problem.

the when sdkInitialized block isn’t running and so I am assuming the sdk isn’t working bc the popup isn’t showing up and the startGame function isnt being run ( I moved it there for testing purposes)

After posting this I realized that the “call initialization” block wasn’t connected.

I fixed it and It works perfectly. Thanks for the great tutorial.


it shows

Please Help Me To Fix This Please

  1. Use Real device and check if you aren't using one.
  2. Don't use any manual proxy/vpn/AdBlocker/dns .

If it's not fixed, can you provide your device details ?

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please see above reply i changed screenshots please help me to fix it please

I am Reuploading My Problem
sorry,i think u see the latest one so i reuploaded, sorry
it shows

Please Help Me To Fix This Please

  1. Make sure you are online.
  2. Make sure ad units are correct.
  3. Make sure you are using correct ad size for banner.

Thanks. It works

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Actually I tested the app and it said it cannot load the url old admob and also the niotron extension is just sitting without any code.