On Canvas: Handwritten text of a pupil with legastheny (dyslexia ? ) - How do I rate handwritten result?

I am working on an app for pupils with legastheny. I have an undergraduate degree in education, and so this lends itself.

I have a canvas with a background image of a word and for learning the letters also for single letters. But I have seen in another app of someone who is not working with appinventor, that it is possible to rate the pupil's written result. Perhaps with the movement sensor? Does someone please have an idea? Ideal would be code snippet, because I am not so familiar with more complicated programming. Thank you very much in advance! Have a great day! Martina

Can you provide an example on how that would work? Do you have a link to the other app?

Do you mean Dyslexia when you are talking about Legasteny?

Perhaps you can calculate the number of pixels that are the pen colour on the background (not the word), and generate a rating that way ?

Look for the characteristics described in this link perhaps https://www.bombay.school.nz/files/6a086d0f68e4a1c0/file_attachments/107/Handout_for_2017_Writing_Sample_Webinar.pdf

You might be able to use the Personal Image Classifier extension to identify upside

down or backwards drawn letters etc. This link provides an example of what might be possible Personal image classifier display

What app is that? An example of something you think could work to help the community provide advice with respect to programming something similar. I doubt that app can do what you think as to rating a dyslexia behavior or have any clinical value. A simple app may indicate possible signs of dyslexia. Anyway, good luck.

Here is a simple example....

canvasWriteWord.aia (5.4 KB)

Dear all, Thank you.
Dear Timai, Thank you very much for the aia. I will try it.
Yes, I mean dyslexia, it is a German app and I did not remember the English expression.
In the moment, I have a parsing error, so it be the changing API level. I had to interrupt my work, because I cannot install the app on smartphone and tablet. No testing possible.
There is a hint in the "Hello Chinese" app, when the user makes a wrong movement during writing.



Android 13 - Updated AI - Dyslexia Therapy App Still Crashes - Please Help

Dear all,
Also with the updated AI and tablet with Android 12, the Dyslexia App ("Graphotherapie"), which is a German app, still crashes. It is not possible to install the app. I tried different ways, but it is not possible to install the app. Here is a screenshot:

Here you can download the .AAB file:

Could someone, please, help? Thank you very much in advance!

You can not install an AAB on a phone. That is only for Google Play. You have to share an APK.

Did you uninstall a previous version before installing the new one?

Hello Peter,
Thank you for your help. Yes, I did uninstall in most cases the old version. I will upload the APK.
[Graphotherapie.apk - Google Drive]

I have no idea, why it does not work. Thank you! Martina

It is stopping with me to. You will have to give more info about your app. Do you use large assets in your app? What components do you use? Can you share the aia?

Hello Peter,
Thank you for testing my app.

Here is the .AIA file:

Graphotherapie.aia (2,0 MB)

I have virtual screens and different canvases. The pupils should paint the letters on a canvas. I have a total of four canvases. Also, I have a huge collection of colors for to choose. There can be the mistake, perhaps. Also have a total of approx. 100 images (cca. 300 px large) as background image for the canvas with a next and back component. Thank you very much for your help!

You appear to have @ half of your images stored outside of your assets folder in your aia. How is that going to work ?

Hello TIMAI2,
Thank you for your help!
Yes, I tried to use Anke' possibility to upload all the images into the file, which I tried to open with Winzip, but it failed. I had to upload all the images one by one, unfortunately. How can I fix this problem, please? Thanks!


They are all in the assets folder now:

Graphotherapie.aia (1.4 MB)

Dear TIMAI2,
Thank you so much! That's great! I will try it out now. Thanks! Have a great day.

Dear TIMAI2,
I deleted the old version and uploaded the new one from you, but there are no images inside the app. I tried to install this app, but it still crashes. What could I do please? Thanks!

The images are inside the assets folder of the .AIA, but they are not in the app in AI. Thanks. Martina

Hello TIMAI2,
the images are now in the app, it only needed some time to upload. The problem still is, that the app is not possible to install. The app crashes before installing, when I try to install it on the tablet. Is it possible, that there are too many images? Thanks! Martina

Dear SteveJG,
I will have a look at it immediately. Thanks.