After a very long time I login again into appinventor platform, but I does not find any of my projects.
Are there a way to recover they?
After a very long time I login again into appinventor platform, but I does not find any of my projects.
Are there a way to recover they?
Same here.
Wasn't online for about 2 1/2 month, now after logging in today, i found that all my projects have vanished.
@Susan_Lane could help you with it.
Also, I recommend to search the forum before starting a new topic.
1st: I used the search option and found the entry of green_piolin above...
2nd: Yes, I've multiple (two) google accounts. But I tried both, because I wasn't sure which one I used for AI2.
But yesterday the project lists were empty at both accounts!
3rd: Today it seems to work as before, "My Projects" are back again, phew!
4th: 4 security reasons, I'm going to store some of my projects (the important ones) at my computer as .aia file.
Thanks for your reply, but I'm afraid that this is not the case.
May be the projects were in the previous version of app inventor, I mean version 1. Are there a way to recover those projects?