Number weeks from datepicker

Result from a Xiaomi MI 9 (Android 10):

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 (Android 9):

Samsung Galaxy S6 (Android 7):
Same result ...

I tested on Xiaomi Mi A1 android 9 - Date & time settings GMT+3:00 Eastern European Summer Time

As I said I live in a parallel universe :slight_smile:

April seems to have an extra week in Greece. :wink:


I am not sure but have some thoughts, does it makes difference to have first day of week as different.




PS: I wasn't able to reproduce by changing first day of week in android and window settings.

Look at "Minimal Days in first week", Dora's is 1, Anke's is 4 ???

It might be interesting if the same issue is also present on Kodular. @dora_paz

On Android 10 / genymotion emulator (companion 2.62t5u, legacy)

On Android 12 Pixel 4a (real) (companion 2.62)
