Notifications from my app on my phone

When I install my app inventor app on my android device, I can't get notifications to turn on for my APP. It appears like this and can't be changed.
I've tried launching permissions from Screen1 but to no avail. Any ideas?

How does your app send notifications? Some kind of notification extension?

For this option in the application settings to be active from Android 13 The application manifest must contain the POST_NOTIFICATION permission, which must add some component or extension that sends a notification. On which Android are you testing this?

It's Android 14, I've already tried with screen1 permissions and with the POST_NOTIFICATION text but it doesn't work. Only the following options appear:

To only ask for that permission will not help, because it also must be declared in the manifest

Therefore to be able to receive notifications you will need an extension... for example

That extension also offers a special method to ask for that permission


solucionado, gracias

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