Non è possibile aggiornare la mia app

Hello everyone,
I was trying to update my app, also inserting the @Taifun extension "TaifunAlarmManager" that I purchased some time ago; but Google Play Console displays this error:

How about translating the error message for us..

You've uploaded an APK or Android App Bundle that contains an activity, activity alias, service, or intent-filtered broadcast receiver, but without the "android:exported" property set. This file cannot be installed on Android 12 or later. Visit Behavior changes: Apps targeting Android 12  |  Android Developers.

You have to add android:exported="true" for activities, broadcast receivers to manifest file

search for android:exported

But this extension is precisely from @Taifun

It has been added since v.5b

Aug 16th, 2022: Version 5b: SDK31 update(1): exported = "true" added in manifest for broadcast receivers

PM me your apk so I can check exactly what's wrong or if you know how to decompile then show us the content of the manifest file

It won't let me load the APK

Upload it to GDrive and share the link

you are using an outdated version
please download the latest version of the extension
PS: please never share an aia file or apk file with the world, which contains a paid extension. Thank you.

Sorry, you're right. Please, can you send me the link to your updated extension privately? Thank you

the download link never changed
you can find it in the email after purchasing the extension
if you have problems in finding that email, please send me an email. thank you

So then I obviously have to buy the updated extension?

Why? You have access to the download folder and inside there you always can find the latest version

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