Thanks Peter,
but my question is for the where expression, what's the valid syntax?
I have tried syntax in AirTable like name is "Kevin" and FIND("Kevin",name)>0 and name like "Kevin", but it does not work
@Peter Is there any extension for this just like baserow?
I have also installed this on my local server planning to make something with it but the json barrier is stopping me.
Not that i know of, but you can always use the web component like in the example. I switched to Baserow completely and I am running that on my own server. (with the help of my son @bartmathijssen )
I also want to run baserow on my server but they have provided very bad installation options I don't want to install that docker headache on my server.
Then you will have to find another way. In my case it went really well with using one of the Docker images. And you can get support on the Baserow community if you run in any problem.