For some reason I can't see my objects anymore.I also loaded previous versions of my project and I have the same issue. I think there is something wrong with the interface cause I was able to see them. I have included .aia file
Jim_test_chkbox.aia (3.9 MB)
Can you you see the components in classic mode?
Good point @ABC
I changed back to classic mode and it worked but it's not a permanent fix it seems. I explain
Neo mode
open >> jim_test_chkbox - not ok
change to Classic mode - ok
change to Neo mode - ok
open >> jim_test_chkbox2 - not ok
From there we have two cases
Case A
now if you try to open again jim_test_chkbox
open >> jim_test_chkbox - ok << still works ok
Case B
but if you try to do the same as before to jim_test_chkbox2 (changing to classic and back to Neo) then
jim_test_chkbox2 - ok
open >> jim_test_chkbox - not ok
which means jim_test_chkbox loses its "fix"
I have included the second file also for testing
Jim_test_chkbox2.aia (3.9 MB)
Same Problem Occur with me in Firefox (Linux Mint)
Huh, ok. This seems to work for me on Mac Firefox and Chrome.
Does it work for some invisible components and not others? This could be very annoying. I'll check your project, @Jimis
It works fine in chrome on windows
Paste All Blocks from Backpack
not working for me.
I have discovered another slight visual bug:
Correct me if I did sth wrong. (Settings or whatever)
Anyways, I like the new appereance! The already a bit old looking layout always bothered me a little bit…this update reminds me that the AI2 is by far not the „abandoned“ (dont undestand me wrong please), thanks.
Keep up the good work!
This is not exactly a 'bug'... it is related to the size of the current window and the video resolution used...
Still a bug, of sorts
I understand.
Really yes, it shouldn't be between put even if it is reduced and the one that generates the problem is that property, obviously it would be necessary to adapt it better.
I don't know, I thought that when entering a new UI would implement a responsive adapting for small screens or mobile, I mean, to really worth the effort and was not a double work in the future, not that I do not like the news and the effort, but I thought they would think more broadly and long term.
A responsive UI will come later. A lot of the changes for the new UI have been infrastructure changes under the hood that will eventually allow for a variety of new UI layouts.
I agree that the explorer buttons overlapping on narrow screens is a bug. I just need to get it fixed.
Take a look at this topic »
I have a dual-screen project that is currently open on screen1.
When I add an extension, the component tree switches to Screen2, even though the top screen switch button shows that I am still on Screen1.
After switching to the block editor and back to the designer, everything goes back to normal.
This is not related to this particular Layout, but this bug also occurs on Neo.
The squashed columns seems to have appeared again today on Opera browser using neo interface.
On Classic mode the columns are fine.
Same problem with Firefox 115.17.0esr, App Inventor is unusable with Neo.