Net : Get some information about network

Não estou sabendo usar os blocos poderia me mostrar um exemplo de como usar?

Sorry I forgot to post blocks.

Ao Clicar no Botão o app da erro e fecha.

Because you will have to create a webview first before using any method.

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Thank you for this extension, it helped me to solve my biggest problem in the app :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :star_struck:

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It's seems extension is not working anymore :sob:
It always says offline even I am online.
(It's works fine on old apps but after updating from ai2 it's not working)

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Finally :sweat_smile:

ChangeLog Version 3

  • Extension is now compatible with Android 11

I am testing the extension on Android 12. Is it supposed to detect the Internet conn/disconn in real-time i.e. if I disconnect the wifi and get back to the app will it detect the wifi disconnection ?

Also the link for the ver3 is not available, please let me know if its work-in-progress ?



It is in the first post.