Need help in making a simple extension (return a list)

:hushed: I thought it wont work

:rofl: :joy:

Let me check in Code editor and try to compile it.

yes please try it, and you will be surprised :wink:

Oh, I worked. @Chiru you can try @Salman_Dev's idea.

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For Get String :

    @SimpleFunction(description = "")
    public String GetName() {
        return "Text"; // String = ABCD!@#$1234

For Get Integer :

    @SimpleFunction(description = "")
    public int GetNumber() {
        return 1234; // int = 1234567890

For Get Boolean :

    @SimpleFunction(description = "")
    public boolean GetBoolean() {
        return true; // boolean = true or false

@Chiru I want to say you first learn java and then start extension development.

@preetvadaliya I think the best way to learn is practice, not just learning theory :wink:

" The secret of getting ahead is getting started." – Mark Twain


:grin: :+1:

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Hi @Salman_Dev, is there any way to ask for a list like

@SimpleFunction(description = "")
public list GetList() {
    return 1234;


actually i haven't tried that for YaiLlist, but i will try it

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this is wrong

Oh I just asked him can we do like this

no you can not do

Ok...... :pray:

Please wait, I'm trying to make what you said

I returned

i totally recommend that but he should know some basic like return type, data types, type casting, some basic keywords like(public private etc..) because extension development is not limited to sum of the number and basic java program.

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Yeah, you are right @preetvadaliya :grin:

Finally where is @Chiru. :sweat_smile:

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