Need Help In Bluetooth Permission for an app on Android 12

which means, you will not be able to upload your project to Google Play

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Hi Taifun,

Thanks for letting know about this. I'm aware you have built your own extension for Bluetooth client. I believe you have enough info and means to solve the issue. Can you please help us.

that is true Anke.
I just tried the same but with targetSdkVersion="31" instead, and the bug is there again with the pop up : "need android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT .... "

But if we set to 31, then app throws an error for Bluetooth permission. How do we solve the issue then?

Also you can no longer upload / release an APK to the Play Store as long as the app (as APK) has not already been released before August 1st, 2021.

Will not help too much but targetSdkVersion="30" works also

In my bluetooth client extension I introduced a method to ask for permissions like this
in my tests this was working up to now...


   * RequestBluetoothPermission
  @SimpleFunction(description = "Request Bluetooth Permission.")
  public void RequestBluetoothPermission() {
    Log.d(LOG_TAG, "RequestBluetoothPermission");

    if (isRepl)
      ErrorOccurred("You will have to build the app to be able to test this method.");
    } else if (ApiLevel()>30){
          new String[] {
    } else {
          new String[] {

thanks it help me, i just need to send data to hc-05 bluetooth don't need to post in google play store and it work

Thanks Taifun for the inputs.
But I feel the MIT should have the solution inbuilt for this issue.

BTReadWrite_2.aia (300.3 KB)


But, isn't this for the BLE and not for Classic Bluetooth??

Hc-05 is classic BT indeed. But both BT versions could use some more attention.

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I was referring to this app:

Apparently I've slowly lost track of what this is all about. No wonder after more than 120 posts. :upside_down_face:

Try this one (on Android 12+) → Companion & APK:
BluetoothClient_perm.aia (9.8 KB)


And post screenshots after running Companion & APK.

Companion gets disconnected on its own after few seconds.
Screenshots of apk on phone as below,

Companion should look like this:


Try logcat to find out more


Hi Anke.

seems that I have the same problem as Madhav, so I tried to run Your BluetoothClient_perm.aia

Below you can find a screenshot after running app.

Then I add a simple block to connect with my Bluetooth module HC-05 (Classic Bluetooth), shown below


When trying to connect with my HC-05 module that is available on the list with BT devices, I'm getting the same result/error as in all my application that was working a couple of weeks ago. Error shown bellow.


Is there any solution to this issue? What I'm doing wrong when trying to establish the connection (basing on .aia that you shared) ? Thank you in advance.

This appears to be a common issue with Xiaomi's Bluetooth implementation in Android 12, as it has been reported a number of times on StackOverflow (e.g., 1). We are discussing next steps to take in this regard.