MYSQL - App Inventor - label name

Then how do you expect it to work in AppInventor ??? Get your php working first.

and u can help me?im newbie

Have you created your database?
Have you configured...?


yes, is conexiona.php, my php work for show column name but i can't put columns name in different labels

I will explain what I want to do, I want to place for example "usuariosusuario" where it says valor 1 and clave where it says valor 2 but there are values ​​that complicate this, such as those ","

What do you get in contentResponse.

Set this in a Label

What about adjusting the example to your needs? As you can see from the result, the example uses <br> as column delimiter... what prevents you from replacing that by a comma as delimiter?

@Juan_Antonio i get

i can't select only "usuariosusuario" or "clave"

What is Etiquet9, what do you get in Etiqueta9?

what I receive from the php, in this case the names of the columns

What is Etiquet9, what do you get in Etiqueta9?
can you give an example?

For example, in Etiqueta9 I receive this:
user, user, user, user

Write what you receive on the Label9

i give usuariosusuario,,clave,,

now show this error "The operation select list item cannot accept the arguments: , ["[["usuariosusuario,clave,"]]"], [1]"

i cant fix this

Help us to help you.


  1. The raw response content from the php call. Does this provide the column headers (label names) ?
  2. A schematic (drawing/diagram...) showing how this response content should be set out to your labels.

1.Yes, my code show the column name.

2.i wanna something this

It should be as simple as this:

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