i tried but my app freezed
The proper way to add showmanship to an app is to add extra lists and counters to it, being careful to name them very specifically.
I recommend this at the risk of making your code unreadable to pure English speakers like myself, though.
Neither this board nor AI2 can translate variable names.
The extra lists and counters would represent the progress of the dealer in handing out the cards, and if done on a Canvas, the movement of Sprite card images from the deck to their final resting places.
Consider putting the resting places (slots) of the cards in frames (Arrangements) that can be assigned temporary attributes like background colors, enlargement, etc. to draw the eye to where the next arriving card will appear.
The Clock Timer event would need to be more complex, having extra lists of work to be examined and recipes to be followed one clock cycle at a time.
i dont know how to make this delay function useful but i will transform all turkish words to english dont worry,expect labels cause i'm making a turkish game
Do not "try" to make a delay function. Use the clock timer. Start the clock, carry out the actions in the clock timer event, where the first element should be to stop the clock, the last element to call the next function (if required)
In fact, you may want to run the first function then start the clock timer to carry out the next function...