Estoy creando un juego de la memoria que consta de 3 niveles, facil medio y dificil, en modo facil funciona perfectamente, le da el tamaño a los botones junto con las imagenes y salen aleatoriamente, pero en los niveles medio y dificil al usar el mismo procedimiento me sale " Property getter was expecting a component but got a YailList instead", ya van como 3 veces que hago reseteo la aplicacion, cambio de nombres en las variables, etc. Pero sigue con los mismo, si alguien tiene alguna solucion se lo agradeceria ya que tengo que hacer esto como proyecto final.
Please download and post each of those event block(s)/procedures here ...
(sample video)
This should be a Close Screen block.
You should not open screens that have already been opened.
Unfortunately, my Spanish is too weak to guess further.
May be the error lies in that you assign above a component while later on "global Boton_selection_1" equals to a list as well as "global Boton_selection_2" does, but it should be a component and not a list.
Un error causado por el uso de dos tipos diferentes (lista vs. componente) de las variables "global Boton_selection_1/2". Serían componentes para el "Boton.Imagen".
Thanks for the answer, but I don't have another variable that does that execution, this is the other one that says "close screen", but if I use it, it goes to the screen of my phone.
Thanks for answering. You say that I do not put them an empty list?.
@Ramiro_Quinteros No, the problem is that you use diferent types: "creer una lista vacía" makes a variable of type "list"; that is sth. else than a "component" that is required above: "Boton.Imagen" needs a variable of type "component". If you make a list of botones you have so select one (a boton is of type component) out of it. I think it should be sth. like that (do not have have the spanish version):