Multi-user game - show camera footage from mobile 1 to mobile 2

I am designing a multi user game (teams of two users with two devices). I am searching for a way to show the live camera footage/image from mobile 1 on the screen of mobile 2 in app inventor. I made in the past some games in app inventor so i have some basic experience. In this game both devices are always on the same wifi network. How could i conceptually start to share this camera footage and also being able to start/stop showing this camera connection. There is no need to also transfer the sound - only camera image. In fact, the sound should be blocked in case both sound & image is together in the connection. thanks for all the help!

Maybe you can get this working:

hi, that requires a third party tool/app in between. I was hoping that there was a sort of option to link via local IP and see the camera live footage from the linked device.
similar as the option below for voice