Multi page password

I created a system for my App to log in with a password.

It works great except I have multiple pages on my App and when I go to page 2 or or 4 I have to enter my password every time!

How can I make sure that when I enter my password on Screen1 the password is valid on the other pages? And that I can log out of the session on any page?

Thank you

you can use tinydb to store passwords, please watch this tutorial :

Sorry, I misspoke.
When I connect to the APP (Screen1) I have to enter my password.If I go to page 2 (Screen2) I can access the page without typing my password but if I return to page 1 ( Screen1) I have to retype my password.

I tell you when I type my password on page 1 (Screen1) that the password remains saved until it is me who presses "log out"

Maybe this can help you :

How are you returning to Screen1? Are you using close screen to return to Screen1 or using openanotherscreen screenName Screen1 ? If you are not already using close screen, trying close screen might fix your issue. close screen returns to Screen1 without trying to reopen it, which seems to be your problem as a guess.

@SteveJG : I added screenName Screen1 openanotherscreen on each page to return to screen1
For example on my page 3 (bienvenu) I would like to be able to return to page screen1 without having to re-enter my password and also log out

onr page 3, to leave bienvenu, use the close screen block. Do NOT use the open another screen screenName to return to Screen1. Sending close screen is all that is required to take your app from bienvenu to Screen1. Doing that might not require logging back in. You need to test it and see what happens.

I added a "close screen" button on my pages.
When I click on it I go back to "screen1" but I have to re-enter my password

Watch this video.
If I connect from Screen1, I therefore enter my password to see the contents of screen1.

When I click on an image from screen1 (Prises) I therefore arrive on my page 2 (Prises)

If I press "Se deconneter" (Close screen) I will disconnect from the app

EXCEPT that if I am on page 2 (Prises) and I press on the small house at the top left (open another screen screenName -> Screen1 ) I fall back on the connection box outside I would like to fall back on the content of screen1 ( Portes,Volets roulants, lumières, Prises ) without having to reconnect.The disconnection must be done only when I press the button "Se deconnecter"