Mp3Tags extension

Thank you so much for your work. It's first that i used without compiler errors. But there is a little "but": it doesn't run if i try to play a mp3 stream. Fortunately without errors also in this case but without retrive any data from the stream. I think it's for the nature of the get system that you had used in your software. So, the question is: there is a way to get ID3 TAG data from a streaming mp3 flow?
Thank yoy very much for your attention.

effectively my extension probably cannot get data from streaming: it reads informations in mp3 file and i have no idea from how streaming i'm not able to extract data from streaming...

When i tried to get album art for list of mp3 files, we are getting same image for all the mp3 files.
Can you please resolve it?

The only way i found to make my extension works it to save the album art in a temp file.
so if you seach several album art all of them will be saved in the same file. you hafe to save each image as soon as you gave it.

Can you add the album cover replacement as well?

Here you will find version 8.
with it i succed to add jpg or png file as cover in mp3 file.
I didn't try with other images format.

Mp3Tags.aix (22,4 Ko)
Mp3Tags_v8.aia (115,2 Ko)
Mp3Tags.txt (39,5 Ko)



What could possibly be wrong here?

I know it's an old topic, just hoping for a helpful reply

You cannot save to the root of external storage (on AppInventor nb1965d)

but you are using Kodular, so you should ask on the Kodular community.


As the error message is trying to tell you, your app does not have write access to that file, see also Some basics on Android storage system
Use SAF for that


Copy the mp3 file first to one of the Shared folders (where you have WRITE access on Androjd 11+):

Note: You must request READ_MEDIA_AUDIO on Android 13+ and READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE on Android < 13.