Mobile contact access

red mi note 7 pro.

to find out, if it is a device specific issue, try another device (not Xiaomi)

ok... if this device specific issue then how can I test my app with real user ? I cannot ask them for device to use the app. Is there any other way get mobile contact data in app inventor ?

Xiaomi devices might have a special setting you have to enable to get that data...

now, I am able to get contact access permission. But after clicking button1, I am getting runtime error "Attempt to invoke interface method 'java.lang.String java.lang.CharSequence.toString()' on a null object reference....

What is this error ? How to resolve ?

You already asked the same question 2 months ago... it looks like a device specific issue... you might want to contact the extension developer.


Can you pls loop in extension developer ?

It looks like you have forgotten, that I already asked the developer for you, see again here

If the developer is not responding, there is not much we can do...
