ML Kit Text Recognition Extension

Hi thanks for your response, first I was using the version 1.1 (built 2023-10-12) and it was working excellent also in kodular, but now with the last SDK34 update it makes the app crashes at launch.

Now with the version 1.2 of the extension it opens fine the first time, but second time I open the app after the install it crashes, with the logcat I provided.

I´m on Android 14. Samsung Galaxy S21+.

I will take a look at the issue this evening. By then, can you please test the extension in App Inventor and see if it works on your phone?

Great! Thank you, I tested the aia file of this post and it seems to work fine. It opens the app correct and do the ocr.

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I was now testing the same .aia file on the companion in AppInventor, and I get this error:

Writable dex file '/data/user/0/' is not allowed.

I think it is the same kind of error I get on Kodular about the file "text-recognition.dex", if that helps

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Version 1.3

Thank you @Mental_Magic

  • Updated code to avoid probable errors.

xyz.kumaraswamy.textrecognition.aix (270.8 KB)


Gracias , muy agradecido. Saludos :sweat_smile:

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Blocks of Screen1 & Text Recognition Extension are not showing in Blocks Section.

Is your Blocks Toolkit in Project Properties set to Default ?

No! I was Selected it as Custom. However, Now I have solved my problem and successfully created my app but After Building it as App, It is not installing in my Android mobile and show the message "App Not Installed". Kindly give me full guideline to fix it and make it compatible for all android phones.
Because I want Publish this app on Google Playstore.
Thanks for replying :hearts:

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