MIT App Storage Capacity

So I changed the path to this:

But it still had the loading error. (It might be possible I misread how to make the path, because I couldn't tell which parts were tailored for that project or not.)
@Anke: I don't understand what you mean? What is hard-coding it, how am I doing it, and how do I not do it?


ASD/global Song_Title.mp3

grafik /fileName.mp3

Changed the Song Player Source:

However, it still gives the the load error. Could there be something else that is wrong?

A slash is missing:

What abiut using Do it to check the path and find those little errors yourself?

Use the companion app and Do it to debug your blocks, see also tip 4 here App Inventor: How to Learn | Pura Vida Apps
see also Live Development, Testing, and Debugging Tools


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

Added the slash in, and the current error message is:
Error 702: Unable to prepare /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/appinventor.ai_[email].X_Notes_Test/files/[Song Title].mp3

Hmm, try to use a full path:

Same error again, but with the file:// at the start. Frustrating.

Show your relevant blocks (and post the aia).

use Do it to debug your blocks and show us a Do it result of the complete filename

a correct filename looks like this


also it would be a good idea to avoid spaces in the filename,
alternatively replace spaces by %20 like this



Take a screenshot of the error message and post it (so we can see where the problem might be).


Do It before inputs (Song Title/URL):

Do It after inputs(Song Title/URL):

Error Message Screenshot:
(It seems the email part was added when you install the app, which I was trying before. It is just the name of my email without the string)

Project so far:

AIA File:
X_Notes_Test.aia (10.5 KB)

Thank you for all of the help you have been giving me, it is being invaluable at the moment, because I have next to no clue how most of this filing stuff works! Thank you so much for the time you are putting in to help me!

I checked it, no issues at all:

But you are using version 2 of my extension (use version 4):

Anyway, it should work with version 2 as well.

So let us know the URL and the Android version you are testing on.

Song URL:
(Is it because of spotify? If so, how would I fix it?)

Phone Version:


In that case, how would I fix it? I regret to say my knowledge ends at pressing the share button and getting a link. If I can't do it on spotify, then oh well, but, say, how could I do it from a file on my phone, if at all? How would I get a URL from that? Or from an online site? Any tips?

There's nothing to fix. You can't download a file from a Spotify link. You can of course share the link.

What exactly is the goal of your app?

I don't have a Spotify account and have never used it. But you will certainly be able to view and play it in a web viewer.

Well, main goals for the app are:

  1. That it's by me, or by someone in app inventor. This allows for endless customization as I see fit by just messing around with some things. Nice features and constant updates are pretty much nil as a result, but I would prefer customization.
  2. Works off of downloaded files. This allows for the app to remain usable even without internet. I find myself there too often.
  3. Uses the phone's storage-apparently a needed function after finding out there was definite limits by other methods.

Using spotify links was my thought that they would lead to a file. Thinking back on it, that would obviously not be the case. However, if they do not work, how would I get a working URL for a song, so that I could use it in here?