Minimum SDK... Play Store doesn't like my .aab

Dear Taifun:

After I import this file โ€œminSdk21.aixโ€, and drag it into the project, everything is ok!

My APP is ready to do the job!

EDIT: minSdk21.aix removed, do not upload an extension that is not your own!

By Robert Jiun-Ting Jiang

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If you have a developer account, can you ask in the google play community if the play store has changed anything regarding the minSdk?

I can't find these Play store requirements anywhere, but they are repeated in some threads.

I doubt it because everyone else should have the same problem with it too and not just isolated cases.

Once you build an app with an extension that needs minsdk21 or higher then there is no going back on that for Google Play, e.g. you remove the extension with needed minsdk 21+, the MIT builder will default back to minsdk 7, the above extensions will trick the builder to add minsdk21+ to manifest even if not needed.

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Hmm, I'm pretty sure that I've also reset the minSdkVersion from 21 to 19 (Lollipop to KitKat) once or twice in the last few years and there were no problems with it in the Play Store.

But it might have something to do with this:

Yes, maybe that could be it.

Everywhere you look, there are new restrictions and confusion from Google. :upside_down_face:

Fortunately, I don't have to worry much about my iOS app. They just run without me doing anything. In particular, there are no idiotic annual targetSdk update requirements.

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AppInventor maintains older versions of android x libraries with minSdk = 14. Also why does Companion still have minSdk=7 when it also contains android x libraries? These errors in the google console are strange.

Good question โ†’ @ewpatton

Here is a screenshot from my Play Dev Console. I just updated an old app with an almost empty app (1 button & 1 label). No issue with minSdkVersion.

I updated again, now with minSdk 21:

Next step, I'll update again back to minSdk 7 (default minSdk):

For a change, it behaves as I expected and am used to. :wink:

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I have a feeling that users have some extensions in their app that doesn't declare min SDK.

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Yes, ...that requires minSdk 21, but doesn't declare it.

And since it has happened more often now, I would like to know which extension(s) are involved.

My extensions, built on RUSH, appear to be set at min SDK 7


in the component_build_infos.json

Is this picked up from AppInventor sources somehow ?

We maintain the minSDK of 7 because the old Windows emulator package from 2015 is still in use in a lot of places. Since the nb199 release, people using that version will get a warning every time they connect to the emulator warning them to update as we will be dropping support for that next summer and bumping the minSDK to 14. We test the core code paths we exercise in AndroidX to ensure that they work on the old emulator.

Yes, the @DesignerComponent annotation defaults its minSdk to whatever the App Inventor minSdk is.

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of which there is not one in RUSH. Must get picked up somewhere else in the code

That sounds like a bad idea. I've toyed with using the various annotations from time to time in the Android code, so if they're not being added those extensions would break automatically.

I didn't ask, but given my extensions are set to min SDK 7, will this contribute to the issue seen regarding min SDK 21 being required ?

When App Inventor compiles an app, it takes the max over all of the used component's minSdk values and uses that as the minSdk for the app.

Why did i have a min sdk prob at gplay with no extensions?