This is my previous version
The code.appinventor builder is not updated yet, so you could use that. This is something the App Inventor developers have to fix.
Can't you connect using the normal way, displaying a list of BLE devices nearby and then choosing one?
It seems to connect now, I can press the send buttons, but how do I know what the micro:bit sees upon pressing one of these buttons?
And what about the i/o pins that must be adressed in the original question?
Yes you could use a list of ble devices but for many cases this is much easier. Just a 3 letter code. That is the way the aia was made.
You have to program the micro:bit using the when received block, like in the small example I showed. What to do when a certain word arrives.
I tried to find the original question about the pins but can not find it.
It is working now. So how do we teach this in class. When the extension is not compatible
Could you explain what is not connecting?
Is working now, my concern now is the extension
You mean the connection between MicroBlocks <-> micro:bit is working?
It is working well
When will this be updated I think that is why our other App works for a while and then crashes
What is it that should be updated?
The code.appinventor builder
I don´t know, and I also don´t know if that is the cause of your problems. I only noticed that the code server is working for my app, but the regular server does not and makes the app crash.
Please what do you mean by code server and regular seever
Since I've had a lot of trouble with app inventor and microbit connection I find microblocks interesting. But how do I get the microbits ble id, the three letters @Peter
Great that you like MicroBlocks. When you have installed the vm for the micro:bit on your micro:bit v2 and it powers up it will show a 3 letter code. In the input category of MicroBlocks there is also a block that can show you the BLE id.
Thanks @Peter ! Have started to test now, only on the microbit without app so far. I found out if I press the reset button the threee letters will appear. Micorblocks looks nice so far. Is it made to be used with app inventor or is it general purpose?
You can use MicroBlocks with a lot of microcontrollers. You don't need App Inventor but the MicroBlocks extension makes a lot of things possible in an easy way.