Mensaje cont en app inventor

thanks, I'm testing it in proteus with arduino and with the application from the cell phone

then delete what was previously on screen 1?

Delete what?

I'm not familiar with Proteus, what is it, an Emulator?

it is a simulator to assemble circuits in a virtual way it is very real

I mean this part


Ah yes - that rings a bell :grin: Do you have the hardware though? If you do, it would be best to do a live test.

Definitely not - that is critical to the success of the App :upside_down_face:

if all the tests are done in a real way (virtually) as if the circuit were physical

But it isn't going to confirm what the App receives or doesn't receive?

See here re 'Do It' when running via the App Inventor Companion:

Thanks, I didn't know about this, could we have a virtual meeting to show you or send you a video on WhatsApp?

Sorry yesid, so many others to support (and other things to do) so we (the Power Users) cannot stretch that far out.

When you say:

I assume that Proteus cannot tell you what happened within the App? That is where a hardware test of Phone, App and Arduino using App Inventor's Companion could help.

Is the modified Sketch working? Does the LCD in Proteus display convincing values?

I'm going to be away from the Forum soon, it's been a long day :grin:

Colocando lo que tu editaste en la aplicaciĆ³n y en el cĆ³digo de Arduino ya no, pero antes es decir hasta lo que llevo si sale en la LCD las contracciones cada segundo que ocurren, y en la app sale la grafica de la seƱal, pero me hacia falta que aparezca en la aplicaciĆ³n el valor de las contracciones que indica la LCD, con lo que tu me ayudaste no sale la grafica en la app.

Oh hang on - you want to send the 'cont' value to the App? Your original Sketch was sending the Sensor Value.........

Yeah that's what I'm trying to do all this time, please could you help me with that

Change the Sketch output to:

               Serial.print(cont); //Integer Value
               Serial.println();   //Tells App "End of Data" = Ascii LineFeed Char Number 10

Change the App input to:

Don't be alarmed by 'Receive Text', the App Inventor Block will 'see' the data as a number. We use -1 for number of Bytes - it means read all bytes.


thanks friend, but in arduino only with that programming is enough? Wouldn't it be necessary to make some other adjustment so that it receives the cont data both in arduino and in app inventor?


You already have that - lcd.print(cont);

I noticed a typo in my edit - a missing '}' on line 45, which should be:

if (anterior == 0 & actual == 1)
{cont = cont + 1;}             

thanks I'll put it to the test