não sei se eu to fazendo errado ou tem algum problema no maps não to conseguindo busca minha localição não da certo pra mim alguem pode me ajuda ai moro no brasil e sempre pega outro lugar dem longe de onde estou olha a imagem como fica provavel mente so eu q to errando ja tentei no kodular no appinventor da mesma coisa
How do you know if the Location Sensor is returning your location yet?
Maybe it has not yet contacted any satellites?
Show the Latitude and Longitude in Labels.
And if you test the LocationSensor outdoor, you will get a more precise location.
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please to check with google maps.
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When you see this, your location is set as 0°00'00.0"N+0°00'00.0"E
example Google Maps
This means a location wasn't found yet, like @ABG said.
Use this block to see if you have a location.
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Have you done this tutorial? It explains how the LocationSensor works.
(added to FAQ)
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deu certo aki valeu agradeço a todos q tentarao me ajuda muito obrigado
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