Management of files in assets directory

Hi guys, If I understand well there is no possibility to delete files from the asset folders but only read, write and save files. Normally it is not a problem but in this case my app has to start with a sqlite DB at least partially loaded then if it does not find the working DB in the ASD folder it asks to downolad it from the web. The point is that a part the first time run it is no more needed so I would like to find a way to delete it, it is just wasted space. At the moment I delete everything inside the DB so the impact is lower but I would prefer to find a way to delete the DB in the assets folder. Any idea or already working solutions?

Just download the sqliteDB from the web on first run, or enough to get going.

As you already know, this is not possible
Alternatively download the initial database from the internet into ASD and import it from there


It was the original solution but the DB contains also the localized strings for the app and some help text. So, at the moment I realized a minimalist DB that is installed toghether the app. At the first run the app checks if the full DB is present in the ASD folder, if not it shows a help text and enables the QR code reader to download the full DB. So, eems that I have to live with this solution.
Is there a way to save the DB in the ASD installing the App? I did not find a way using AI2 directly but do you know if is it possible using an external tool editing the APK? I am not an expert of these tools but I already used APK studio for something else.

Has anyone tried using a local DB through the Activity Starter, cross-app?

In this case, a temporary DB primer app would be installed to load up the local DB, then de-installed.

The production app would thereafter call on the local DB through Activity Starter calls.

No, I have done none of this before.
It would also still need extra work at install time.