Live Stream Strimm video player won't load from Web Viewer

Hello, I have a very simple app that I am trying to make by simply using the URL from my website, which is already has mobile development. I use and it allows me to design my site for mobile use. So when I copied the link to my URL and added it to the WebViewer, it loaded perfectly. The only problem is that the "Strimm Video Player" won't load, and I get a black box with a spinning loading circle that never loads.

Here is how it is supposed to look. This is a live stream video player by Strimm:

Here is a direct link to the site that I uploaded to the WebViewer: XVERSE – HOODX 5.0: XVerse

Any advice? Thanks in advance.

Trying using: WebViewExtra extension, works for me in companion app, Android 12.