Keep Screen On without extension?


After 2 years and 1100 blocks, I am ready to share my project with the world... and I can't! I just found out that I can't upload a project to the gallery if it has extensions??

Step 1 - is there another way to keep the screen on?


Yes use a clock timer and a notifier

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Thank you - very helpful weblink!!

Well, you've given me hope.
Next extension - I used Taifun's TaifunBattery all over the place.
Is there another way to read battery level?

I don't think you can do it without using extensions.
However, you can use javascript if your problem is publishing in the gallery.

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I never found a way to keep the screen alive without using any extension that designates a Service in Foreground...

There are several way to establish a Wavelock... but they do not work without any extension that decrees Services in Foreground ...

Read this topic »




There are several methods, see also


Thank you, @Taifun

Some questions »

»This prevents the Doze Mode?

» Beyond the Player component, does this work with TextToSpeech?

tks :pray:



KeepScreenOn is different to running in the background.

Keeping the Screen On will do just that, and keep the app running, as long as it is on screen.

@Anke, you master this subject well. Could you clarify, please? :pray:



yes, because the app keeps being active

please test and let us know, what you find out


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As long as the KeepScreenOn mode is not ended by the user (by pressing the home button or the power button), the app remains in the foreground, so in this case no foreground service is needed to keep the CPU and all functions active.

Of course, the battery will then drain faster, which will not amuse most users.

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Sure. The 2 apps I use it for -

  1. Excercise - I need to hit the screen every 1.5 to 2.5 minutes, so I need the screen on.
  2. A fun clock, which I leave plugged in (actually have it on a timer so the battery goes up and down and changes the clock colors.)(I think it's better for the battery?)

Thanks! I'll try to figure this out.

As long as a KeepScreenOn mode is used, the only way to save battery is to minimize the brightness of the screen (via TaifunSettings extension for example).

I've added the Notifier to my Excercise timer and it works great! Thanks again.

VERY Odd - for the first time ever, my Title has appeared. I changed nothing.
It has always shown up on the Companion app, but never as an .apk.
Well, it's nice to have.

This bug has been fixed in the latest release
Just set title visible to false in the Screen properties of the Designer

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