Sorry. Just removed the TaifunTools Extension (in fact it wasn't used) from the Designer and the error disappear. But ... now is the same with CustomWebView extension. I use this extension actually in my app (attached).
Just tested your App on my phone, Android 10, Companion 2.63, no error displayed though nothing much is working.
Your GUI doesn't fit my phone width, needs some work (can't see all of it in Landscape mode).
There are some odd things in your code - Seven TinyDb's? You only need one.
You can only store files on SD with earlier version Android as Google has new security measures in Android 10+
Your bug is probably being caused by the launch of a succession of procedures in Screen initialise, you can see the screen display is glitchy for a second before the GUI is drawn. You are using Procedure 'do' - these will execute without waiting for prior procedures to finish. I suggest you have a clock timer as the last call of Screen initialise and that in turn calls the procedures, each of which should return a result before the next is called.
You are enabling Clock Timers without immediately disabling them, so they are running in App memory and in some cases sending the same command repeatedly (another source of App crashing). So, like this:
When sleep_chk changed, various labels/sliders are made visible/invisible. That can be confusing - imagine if your car dashboard did that....
Try to avoid huge crocodile teeth (successive If-then-else Blocks). You can do this for example:
Hi Chris and thanks for your reply.
My app saves the files in the onboard's ESP32-Cam SD, not in the phone SD. I hope this is still possible.
The GUI should be always in portrait view, I set the ScreenOrientation as Portrait, shouldn't be sufficient to set that parameter to fix the orientation of the screen?
I'll see each of your suggestions deeply, thanks again
.... just too many components in one row, so you can't see their complete text. You could perhaps use image buttons to reduce the demand on screen width.
Ah yes this is probably because I'm using 'Text dimension' as 'Normal' on my phone (P10 lite, Android 8.0)
EDIT: Is it possible to fix the 'overall' text dimension inside the app?
You can set the height and width of a Label at runtime, but that is not the solution, as you can see, App Inventor has already done that - works but ugly.. You could make the whole area scroll horizontally.....
Hi Chris, I'm trying to implement, as you suggest, a Screen.initialize that calls procedures in sequence and waiting for each completion but I'm not sure how to do this with a timer. Please, can you give me a link to an example for this? I searched the web but not found it. Thanks
There are a lot of things Gigi - I can see you have C/C++ or similar experience. The App Inventor paradigm is almost polar opposite. A ridiculously short summary would be to say that "nothing waits for nothing" in App Inventor - indeed you have probably noticed the absence of a Delay or Wait function.
Those procedures will all fire "next without waiting for previous". That might be OK if they are completely unrelated, but otherwise need to be changed. Also, a Procedure call would be the last call in a Block with other "settings" code, unless your were 100% sure that the Procedure was 100% unrelated to that code. Example this one would normally be last in the Block, not first:
If optBtns_hide is related to the following settings and has to be fired first, make it a result Procedure:
The idea of using a Clock Timer out of the Screen Initialise Block is to firstly give Screen Initialise time to complete it's tasks, including background tasks such as rendering the GUI and engaging with Android. This is a good place for a relatively small amount of developer settings such as populating a List and setting Timers. If even that type of code is vast (e.g doesn't fit the IDE ) - keep it out of Initialise and run it from it's own Clock Timer.
You have a lot of individual, tiny Procedures - if any of those can be combined into one, they should be. There seems to be a few date/time procedures kicking around.
Read the documentation about TinyDb - I think it will surprise you.
The Home Initialisation Block is the biggest baddie in your code (and the tallest):
I have not had time to study what each Procedure does, but perhaps some need to be converted to result procedures to avoid them firing before the previous one has finished - that's for you to fix.
Thanks, in fact, while I was waiting for a reply, I modified the screen init as shown below, using a global variable as timer's switch off. It seems to solve the former issue.