Is there any way to implement multi threaded tasks in app inventor?

Hello Everyone,

Is there any way to implement multi threaded tasks in app inventor ?

for example ( like loading screen on front and at the same time , some read from database and save to database happening at that same time all running together ) ?

thank you in advance.

Hello Don

That's beyond the scope of App Inventor. Even though you can with the likes of Java and Kotlin, the developer's control is negligible on Android anyway as the App does not control the process. In short, nothing like you may be used to when programming on Windows.

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You might like to read:
Franklyn Turbak: PDF: Events-First Programming In App Inventor
CCSCNE14: PDF: Presentation re Events-First Programming In App Inventor

Linked with other useful information on my website:

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it is possible with java -

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that's what i was looking for but for an easy way on app inventor

It isn't effective the way true multi-threading is on desktop PCs.

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How about the Activity Starter?

It has a completion event and ways to keep track of the activities.
But it's up to you to manage a household full of all those sub-apps

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