Is there any way i can insert an image that will serve as a background without losing its quality?

Hii, i'm trying to insert an image into my project and it keeps losing its quality, especially when there is something written on it. I have tried to save in in different px sizes but it keeps distorting no matter what. And if i insert an image before adjusting the width and height it is super small on the screen which doesn't make sense since the px is high?

Show your relevant blocks and provide an example image

And these are the dimentions:

As requested before:

i don't have any blocks for this page. Those are my screens and how they look on my devices.

Please upload your example image so others can test.

Also advise on what device you are testing, android version, etc.

Why are you viewing this image in an imagesprite in a canvas ?

I have the same problem, help me


and show us how/where/with what you are displaying the image

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