Is it possible to link to a word or phrase in a label text?

I will send you another one that does the same

Both projects loaded without any problems in the companion. Multitol seems to work fine as long as you grant location permissions. However, when Pollaplo is switched to screen 2, it shows this error:

Property setter was expecting a component but got a String instead.

Somewhere in the anyButton block you substitute text instead of the button component.

I just now tried connecting again with AI companion on pollaplo and it connected!!
It didn't happen again, it didn't connect for 2 days and just a few minutes ago it connected.
It will drive me crazy.
As for the other bug, I don't know exactly how to fix it, but I'll look...
Thank you very much Patrick

Really sorry for the inconvenience, now I retested both and they work perfectly for me on my phone which is android xiaomi 11T.

Some invisible spirit wants to play this nasty game with me :smile:

I'm trying to do a text format with an image on a label that is attached to a titlebar and spinnermenu, and the way I've used it in my simple test, it doesn't configure anything on that label.
I've been trying for a long time to find what's going wrong in this case and it's not working and I can't find it.

I don't understand why it shows that if I press anywhere on the screen this message closes and I can continue normally...

I can't tell anything from this error. Show the blocks that cause this error.

I just now tried without the pieces from LabePlus in the: When the screen initialize and the problem went away, Which did not form the text of the labels


It can be the SetJustify method. You have here the solution:

That's how the solution was found.
And it shows the text formatted correctly and it doesn't ask me to close the app when I have it on my mobile, because of some error

From the first version of the blocks you showed, remove only the "SetJustify" block, the rest should work. Justification works correctly for plain text. When you add images and links to it, it won't calculate the text width correctly. Additionally, there is no point in coloring links pink, because the "SetGradientColorText" block will set the entire text to gradient anyway, including the links. Links are underlined by default, so using the "SetLinksUnderlined" block only with the value true does not change anything. This should work:

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In this label I have no text with links and as I changed it in my last image, it works fine.
If only I knew how to show some pieces of text in a larger font

Why don't you use the SetCustmFontInRange block?

I put this but the sentence doesn't resize

I misunderstood. For the font size, use the SetDecorationInRange block.

I use it but still the same...

You can see in documentation of the extension that you can use "textToDecoration" and then the method will find that string in the label to format it or you can set that to empty and use "start" and "length" to indicate from which character to which other you want to format the label text.

So, this for example, will format the word "bigger" in the label text:

This other, will format the string from character 7 to 12 (word "world"):

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Nothing happens

I'll check later. Try even larger font sizes, e.g. 50. Or change textToDecoration to "Welcome" to see the difference.

Edit. It works without any problems.