@Anke I followed the steps 1 thru 5 as indicated in the link you provided. This time when I opened the project the html showed in assets BUT won't load once called via webviewer. I then tried the same process with another file that is less than 5 mb and it worked fine which indicates to me that it still won't let me have the 5.3 mb html file as assets even though it appears as it loaded it?
Furthermore, when I click on the 5.3 mb html file in asset and select download to my computer nothing happens while when I do the same thing with the 3.4 mb html file it downloads it to my computer.
@Anke It works! I had a spelling error in the filename when calling it in the webviewer . While renaming the files to make it more understandable to you before posting it here I realized that and tried it again with the corrected spelling and it worked fine. thanks so much!!!
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