Interval between each action

I would like to know if I could put an interval of 5 seconds between each request http ?

Thank you

Try like this, it won't start the next download until the previous one has returned (no five second delay but I believe achieves what you are looking to do ?)

Could not see from your blocks if you were getting content or files, so went for content!

Your code seems complex. It is not possible to make a system of pause between two get?

Not without using a clock timer, and to avoid having many repetitive blocks you would end up with a set of blocks looking very similar to those I posted.

Not tested, but I believe this is how to do it by introducing a clock timer:

Hello Timai2
I set up your code but I have errors, look

Capture d’écran 2020-09-01 à 12.07.57

Reset your counter and fetched variables to 0 in the if/then section of Web1.GotText

Yes it works

Now I would like to do the same to "Monter'.

Can I clone?

Yes, or just add the urls to your list ?

I would like the same operation with the button "monter"

I want to be able to monter / descendre my volets either independently or all together

I managed to do it to "Descendre" can I do the same to "Monter"?