yes4.aia (2.8 KB)
Could you please try now?
certainly try Nishyanth's aia but also look at this discussion Get (non) prime numbers between 2 numbers - #12 by Anke
ببخشید من 15 یا عدد دیگه میدم اشتباهه. مثال 15 می گوید 1 و 5
یا هر عددی که میگم اعداد اولش رو نمیده ببخشید
سلام، این به خوبی کار می کند، اما من می خواهم فقط ورودی مانند 16 عدد اولش را بدهد که می تواند 2_2_2_2 باشد.
Sorry, I made a couple of stupid mistakes in my code:
- I failed to account that a factor may appear more than once in an integer (x^2*y...).
- I forgot to divide the number by the factors found, which allowed it to stay at the same value and cause sequential numbers which didn't make sense.
I've fixed these, and here's my final aia:
yes4 (4).aia (2.7 KB)
Thank you very much, this one is absolutely correct, thank you for all your efforts
None of the servants of God is stupid, only one person is stupid, that is the devil, just seek refuge in God.
Sorry I asked this question, but can you tell me how to change the color of the scroll bar only in app inventor, not elsewhere, if you know, please help us, thank you